Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I started out as a fallen seed
some offspring of a mature cedar
growing up next to a pine
stranded beside the creek
like two parallel soldiers standing guard

seizing the warmth of the sun
never talking
sometimes whispering in the breeze
we grew together
branch by branch we started holding hands

as the years went by we became closer
entangled in each others branches
we fed our friendly woodpeckers
shared our space with a squirrel family
listened to the advice of the raven

surviving another forest fire
thinking we would die together
cuddled in each others arms
always saluting the sky
life started to change

being attacked by the pine beetles
Jack started to change color
green..yellow..rusty red
turning blue with grey spot
slowly I watched him die
in my arms


Brian Miller said...

wow def an emotional end...thinking you would die together only to have one pass int he arms...what a moment...

mareymercy said...

Aw this is so sad, but lovely! Very creative prompt response.

Raven's Wing Poetry said...

Incredibly evocative...your last stanza reminded me of how we humans end up watching our loved ones slowly die. This is probably one of my favorite ones you've written so far.
